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How do I Switch the Reservoir on the PS Pump

Posted: Tue Aug 20, 2013 10:22 am
by Rileysowner
I have a re-man PS pump w/o the reservoir, so I need to switch the reservoir from the old pump to the new one. I have not got the pump out yet since the high pressure line does not want to come loose from the pump, but when I do get it out I would love to have a better idea how the switch the reservoir from one to the other. Things like how to take the reservoir off the old pump. What needs to be changed for the EVO if anything? What O-rings of the huge number that are included are used, and the like. I'm sure I can figure it out with time, but some assistance from someone who has done it before would be much appreciated.

Re: How do I Switch the Reservoir on the PS Pump

Posted: Tue Aug 20, 2013 11:12 am
by doyoulikeithere
I don't have a picture to show ya, or anything like that, just my memory. undo bolts on back of the res so it can slide out the front.
What I can tell you is that once you have the thing out in your hands with the hoses removed, it will be pretty obvious whats needed.
It isn't difficult at all, just a couple of bolts if I remember right. The thing to remember is that when you undo the HP hose, there is a thing inside the fitting that can slide out.
Try to notice how it is situated in there and get it re-installed the right way or it wont work. and you will have to take it back out and turn it around.
Theres gonna be a packing around the face of the pump and there is packings around the holes on the back too.
Once you have it apart you will be able to pick the right size if they gave you a selection.

Re: How do I Switch the Reservoir on the PS Pump

Posted: Tue Aug 20, 2013 5:46 pm
by Rileysowner
Thanks. I have ordered in a new high pressure line from the pump to the hydroboost. I have given up getting it off with anything that will preserve the line. I figure cut the line and use a six point socket with a breaker bar. The upper fitting came off no problem. The new line should be in tomorrow, so hopefully I can find some time to take the pump out and get to it. I would love it if I could get it out and done tomorrow although cleaning up the rust and giving the outside of the reservoir a new coat of paint might slow things down a bit waiting for it to dry. Then I will have to get a loan a tool again to reinstall the pulley unless I can jury rig something with stuff I have lying around here.

Re: How do I Switch the Reservoir on the PS Pump

Posted: Tue Aug 20, 2013 8:05 pm
by Smiliesafari
Don't use anything other than the right tool for installing the pulley. It's too easy to ruin the pump if it's not done right.

Re: How do I Switch the Reservoir on the PS Pump

Posted: Wed Aug 21, 2013 12:02 pm
by Rileysowner
At this point it is getting that high pressure line off. Hopefully later this afternoon I can get to it again. Since nothing else has worked, sacrificing the line and using a socket with a breaker bar or something like that is necessary. Too bad since once I cleaned up some of the surface rust I found it was very thin so the line would likely be good for many years to come. Oh well. I have the new line now.

Re: How do I Switch the Reservoir on the PS Pump

Posted: Wed Aug 21, 2013 7:59 pm
by Rileysowner
All of this is a moot point since I accidentally shattered the EVO plug. now I need to exchange this pump for one with an EVO.